
WYFP? Challenge

What’s Your F**** Problem? Face It Head-On with the WYFP? Challenge!

“The Global Movement to Solve 8 Billion Problems—One for Every Person on Earth”

Everyone has a problem. The question is—what are you doing about it? At ADAPTERS, we believe every challenge is an opportunity in disguise, and the WYFP? Challenge is your chance to face it head-on. Whether it’s a personal obstacle, a professional hurdle, or a goal you’ve been putting off for too long, the WYFP? Challenge gives you the tools and community support to tackle it, solve it, and turn it into your next big win.

Join a global movement of problem-solvers who are taking control, using the ADAPTERS Strategy, and solving real problems. What’s yours?

How the WYFP? Challenge Works:

  1. Apply the ADAPTERS Strategy
    Use the powerful, step-by-step ADAPTERS Strategy to break down your problem and create a clear action plan. From acknowledging the issue to setting your desired result and taking decisive action, the ADAPTERS process will guide you toward success.
  2. Register Your Win
    Once you’ve conquered your problem, register it with the WYFP? Challenge. Share your story with the ADAPTERS Community, inspire others, and contribute to our mission of solving 8 billion problems—one for every person on Earth!
  3. Celebrate & Keep Growing
    Solving one problem is just the beginning. The WYFP? Challenge is designed to inspire continuous growth and improvement. Celebrate your victory, then apply the ADAPTERS Strategy to your next big challenge. Keep going, keep solving, keep achieving.

Why Join the WYFP? Challenge?

  • Accountability: By publicly committing to solve your problem, you’ll push yourself to take action and follow through.
  • Community Support: You’re not alone! The ADAPTERS Community is filled with people just like you who are tackling their own problems and sharing solutions.
  • Inspiration & Motivation: See how others are using the ADAPTERS Strategy to solve everything from career struggles to personal growth goals. Their success can fuel yours!
  • Global Impact: Every problem solved through the WYFP? Challenge gets us closer to our mission of 8 billion problems solved. Your story could inspire someone else to take the leap!

Real Stories from the WYFP? Challenge

  • “I’d been stuck in a dead-end job for years. Joining the WYFP? Challenge pushed me to finally make the change I needed, and now I’m in a career I love.”
    — Mark S.
  • “I’ve always struggled with procrastination. The WYFP? Challenge helped me break that habit and I’ve accomplished more in the last six months than I have in years!”
    — Jessica L.
  • “Facing my biggest fear head-on—public speaking—was terrifying. But through the WYFP? Challenge, I built my confidence and now I’m leading workshops!”
    — Kevin R.

Ready to Solve Your F**** Problem?

There’s no better time than now. Join the WYFP? Challenge today and take the first step toward real transformation. Your problem could be the key to your next breakthrough.

Commemorate Your Achievement

By purchasing a WYFP? Challenge Certificate, you’ll have a lasting reminder of your dedication and hard work. Display it proudly as a symbol of the problem you conquered—and let it inspire you to keep pushing forward. It’s more than just a certificate; it’s a testament to your growth and a great way to track your progress as you take on new challenges.

Get Your WYFP? Challenge Certificate Now!


Q: Can I do the WYFP? Challenge more than one?
A: Absolutely. The WYFP? Challenge is all about continuous growth and improvement. You’re encouraged to take the challenge as often as you’d like. 

Q: Do I have to share my problem publicly?
A: No. While we encourage you to share your progress with the community for support, you can keep your journey private if you prefer.

Q: What kinds of problems can I tackle?
A: Anything! Whether it’s personal, professional, financial, or even a fitness goal—if it’s holding you back, it qualifies for the WYFP? Challenge.

Q: How long does the challenge last?
A: The WYFP? Challenge is ongoing. You can start at any time and work through your problem at your own pace.